These past several days, I've been doing a lot of soul searching. I find myself questioning why me? Why is life such a struggle? Why did I lose my job and what now? I know I am not alone in my thoughts. I just feel that for every step I take forward, life throws me back a step or two. I've made it through difficult times before and I know with patience I will make it through this difficult time in my life. As I sit and think, two very important things pop in my mind, my children, Jeffrey and Sara. They are the reason I do not give up. They are the reason I go on. With that in mind, I did a layout of myself and my two precious children, who are the world to me.

We live in a very materialistic world. Yes it's nice to have all of the newest of this and that, but what really matters is family and love. I am very grateful for the two greatest gifts God gave me, my children. I remember when I gave birth to my first child, my son, I was overwhelmed with a new emotion of love for a child. Love is an emotion that we experience in life, whether it be of a parent or a husband, or a sibling. But when you bring a child into this world, the love you feel for them is unmatched to that of anyone else.
Don't you just love the warm rich colors of this layout? I used more of the November Juicy kit from Sweet Peach Crop Shop's Juicy kit, and the beautiful paper by SEI, and based my layout on their November sketch by Liz Chidester.
And now for the winner of my blog anniversary give away . . .
Denise please email me with your mailing information so I can get your package in the mail! I want to thank everyone who left me so many wonderful comments! It means such much to me! Here's to another year!!!
I'd love for you to come back tomorrow as I have another layout to share. In fact this week is a record for me as I have layouts each day to share through Friday.
Nothing like a little scrap therapy when you're feeling a little down!
- Congrats on your one year anniversary!! You've done an amazing job sharing your creativity with others!! I know we all appreciate you! Hope you feel better soon..HUGS!!
Denise please email me with your mailing information so I can get your package in the mail! I want to thank everyone who left me so many wonderful comments! It means such much to me! Here's to another year!!!
I'd love for you to come back tomorrow as I have another layout to share. In fact this week is a record for me as I have layouts each day to share through Friday.
Nothing like a little scrap therapy when you're feeling a little down!
Thanks for stopping by!
. . . Debbie
Nice family page!!! Great sketch - great job!
Congratulations for Denise!!! )) She is a lucky girl))
I love your thoughts behind this layout. Makes me think and reflect on what's most important in life. My kiddos are my world too. I can totally relate to your struggles. God will see you through the storm for sure. Hang on girl! Praying for ya and sending hugs your way:)
AH!! Thank you Debbie!! I'm uber excited!!
I know what you mean about the love for a child. It really is like no other love isn't it. I can relate to what you're feeling. We've been thru it at the worst times it seems. God ALWAYS sees you thru tho...hang in there and keep the faith. Big hugs to u!!! Have a blessed Thanksgiving and I'll be praying for you!
Great job Debbie !! Love those papers and thank you for share this with us !
Have a great Tuesday ;-)
Congrats Denise!!
Debbie: I hope things are going well for you! Best wishes!
Love your layout!
What a gorgeous layout!!! I love the warm colors and gorgeous paper you used. You are so right :)
Congrats to Denise! and what a lovely layout a great photo of you and your 2 kids...yes they are the best, even sometimes when things are going well. Sorry to hear about your loss of job-things happen for a reason- so something better is coming your way. Well have a Happy THanksgiving Day!
Such yummy papers on this layout.
Yes sometimes life gives us challenges and we question .
Always blessings never losses- keeping you in my thoughts and prayers sweetie
bravo a denise
et votre page est tres belle
You're definitely not alone in your thoughts, but I also know how it can feel like it. Paper therapy is amazing when we find ourselves in those darkest moments; and what a beautiful page you created from it!
What a wonderful post!!!!! You do have a beautiful family!!!!! Love the LO!!!!
Congrats to the winner!!!!
Wishing you a Blessed Thanksgiving!!!
Wonderful LO and great colors and details. Wow.
I love the layout, the cutting, background and photo and particularly your outlook. Great dimension in the layout.
Well, this is just beautiful! Everything about it. Thank you for sharing with us and playing along. I know I can totally relate with the feelings about your children. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Beautiful LO! You will be in my thoughts, I know you will make it through this tough time. I know exactly how you feel about your kids helping you to keep going. I was a single mom for 7 years and had to work 3+ jobs just to survive. Now (even though I am in a relationship) we only have one income and a family of 6 to take care of, every single month seems to be a struggle for us.
You will make it through, you have your children, your family, friends and bloggy friends to help you through it. :-)
Wonderful page!
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