Saturday, November 13, 2010

It's Beginning To Look Like Christmas!

I don't know about all of you, but I love Christmas!  I will end up spending the long Thanksgiving weekend decorating my house.  No Black Friday bargin shopping for me.  I start early on Friday morning and hopefully finish by Sunday evening.  I stopped by Michaels yesterday on my way home from work and bought some of the new Christmas scrapbook goodies by K and Company and Anna Griffin.  I can't wait to use them on some layouts.  It got me to thinking about some of my favorite Christmas layouts that I created before I started my blog.  Just wanted to share a few of them with my friends.

I've got a full plate this weekend, with the usual cleaning and grocery shopping.  Today is my mom's birthday, and since both of my kids work today, we will be taking her out to dinner tommorrow to her favorite restaurant Longhorn Steakhouse.  I've got a few layouts in the works that I need to finish up and I hope to continue on the "cleaning out" and "weeding out" of my scrapbook room.  Who knows, I might even come up with some more goodies to give away!
Hope you all have a great weekened!
Thanks for stopping by!
. . . Debbie 


Luz Maria Bruna said...

Wow I can´t say wich one is the most baeutiful,all are STUNNING!!!

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

These layouts are AWESOME!!! I love Christmas too, however I don't decorate as much as I used to, when I had children at home. You layout brought back many sweet memories, thanks.

Tammy E. said...

Favorite -- no way! Awesome layouts as always. Great details.

Dawnll said...

Love your layouts and so glad you are sharing them with us. I also love to decorate for the holidays- not much of a shopper especially black Friday.
Rest up and have a great weekend- hoping you will be 100% soon.

Barb Craft said...

Debbie... you are totally getting me into the Christmas spirit!! These LOs are spectacualar!! Good luck with all that cleaning and sorting!! And don't feel bad about not doing the black friday shopping... I am sure I will spend enough for the both of us!! lol!!
Barb :)

Darien said...

Debbie, I love Christmas too!!! Is my favorite time of the year! lol!

Your Lo's are GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really beautiful Work as always!!!! i been decorating already for Christmas! I love it!!! Have a great weekend!!!!

scrappinlil said...

I love your los...very pretty. TFS

Pat said...

Great pages & you are putting me in the holiday spirit!

Cindy Gay said...

Love "Santa was Here". Happy Birthday to your Mom. Get your kids to get a picture of you and her!

Denise said...

Debbie..these are just awesome! I love each and every one. Your attention to detail is just so amazing.

Audrey Frelx said...

Debbie, they are all just beautiful!!!

Lea said...

Wow that first layout is gorgeous and the other two are so fun! This is making me want to start some holiday scrapping!!!

Fern said...

Gorgeous layouts Debbie!! Thanks for sharing!
I love to decorate for Christmas, and I also start the day after Thanksgiving, but I go a little slower than you.. I always feel that I need something new each year after I've put everything out!! And I really need to stop doing that because I'm running out out of storage!! :o) Have a wonderful day!!! Hugs!!!

Samantha Hauzer said...

Love your gorgeous Christmas layouts Debbie :)

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Oh Debbie, you have created some gorgeous Christmas pages! I love that you LOVE Christmas. I do too. Even though it kills me getting everything out I want ot leave it even after Christmas. Your details are always PERFECT!!!!
I hope you enjoyed your day with family.
Kim xXx

laterg8r said...

i'd frame that first one and put it up for xmas :D

D said...

Your Christmas pages are soooo gorgeous!!! You have such unbelievable talent girl! Your love of Christmas sure does show on them. I'd give you a compliment on my favorite one except I can't. I love all of them :)